
(We Only Ship To The Continental USA)

Musicians Garage Sale uses PayPal as our Merchant Service provider.  You do not need a PayPal account to buy from us. You can pay with a major credit card or electronic check at PayPal.  PayPal will complete the financial transaction using your credit card just like any other transaction online. 

PayPal is the only electronic payment method we allow. Your PayPal account must be a verified account. 

Upon checkout, you will receive confirmation from PayPal that your payment has been accepted.  And a confirmation of your order from Musicians Garage Sale.

If you choose to set up an account, with PayPal, your financial information and purchases are better protected. You save time shopping online and you get more ways to cover your payments.  When you sign up for PayPal, they ask you to link your bank account, debit card, or credit card so that your payments can be funded. This information is never shared with retailers. In fact, it's securely protected by data encryption technology, reducing the risk of online fraud and identity theft.

PayPal encrypts your sensitive financial information so the only person who can see it is you.  Your purchases are also protected. If there's a problem with your order or someone uses your account without permission, PayPal will help to make things right.

When you pay using PayPal, PayPal's Purchase Protection coverage is included at no extra cost. They offer buyers $0 Liability for Unauthorized Purchases, refunds for incorrect orders or items that never arrive, and a convenient process for resolving problems.

(We Only Ship To The Continental USA)